This Week’s State of the Union Recap

Many know and many do not know that this past week, the Unites States had its annual State of the Union Address which is a yearly speech given by the President of the United States at the start of each calendar year in office and aims to deliver overviews on national priorities. The goal is generally to give congress necessary information regarding the country as well as show concern toward the Congress’ considerations. Traditionally, Congress is the main audience but since the message is publicly available by television and the internet, it is equally important that the people make themselves the main audience and watch all 82 minutes of President Trump’s State of the Union. 

An Objective Recap: 

Women: In speaking about economy, the President reports that women earned 58% of 2018’s newly created jobs and currently, the nation has more women in the workforce than ever before. He discusses how the country’s positive economy has had the largest impact on women over any other demographic. President Trump acknowledged that there are currently more women serving in Congress than ever before- he notes that this achievement occurred exactly 1 century since the constitutional amendment that gave women the right to vote was passed. Democratic women wore all white and showed quite the celebration when their record-breaking number was addressed- their ecstatic reaction broke out in a “U-S-A” chant.

Immigration:Trump spoke about illegal immigration and classified the issue as “the largest divide between America’s working class and America’s political class”. He stated consequences associated with mass illegal immigration which are lower wages, lack of jobs, and overburdened schools. 

Investigation of Trump’s Administration: The president addressed the investigation of himself and his administration by saying “An economic miracle is taking place in the Unites States and the only thing that can stop it is foolish wars, politics, or ridiculous partisan investigations.” He went onto explain that “to achieve peace in legislation there cannot be war and investigation.”

Trump’s Wall:Trump reported that Congress has only 10 days left (now only 1) to pass a legislation that will allow the wall to be built at the Southern Border. He mentions that the plan for his wall to take place will “put the ruthless drug dealers, rapists, and human traffickers out of business”.

Health Goals: One health goal mentioned was to eliminate the HIV epidemic in the U.S. within ten years. Another was to ask Congress for a budget of 500 Million dollars toward child cancer research. Trump is the first president to propose national, paid “new family leave” not just maternity leave.

Abortion: President Trump had a very strong, disapproving opinion about the recent law in New York regarding abortion. He went on to say that he will be asking Congress to pass legislation to prohibit abortion in late-term pregnancies and prohibit the abortion of fetus’ that can feel pain in the womb.

Socialism: President Trump discusses his goal to steer far away from socialist concepts by noting that America was built by independence not government control. He states “we were born free and we will remain free” this received a very load, excited response from the audience and broke out in another “U-S-A” chant.

All information was taken from the full State of the Union Speech posted by CNN. I encourage all my readers to watch the full video which can be found by the link below:


One thought on “This Week’s State of the Union Recap

  1. Thank you for this recap & your series of articles that have been helping me catch up on the current political atmosphere in America. With everything crazy that is published about the activities of Trump & the GOP, it has been difficult to even hear about everything that comes out of even our own Congress. I remember all of the drama that was preceding the State of the Union address, including Congressional members trying to bar the President from giving his address in the Congress building (which may have given some peace for a day or 2 if it did happen).


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